Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dye-ing for Color

Hey guys so guess what.

We dye shoes.

Renee as Vana "White"

And we can pretty much do any color you could possibly imagine.

Now, I know that when I say the word "dyeable" you all think of dyed-to-match circa 1992 "my hand bag matches my shoes on Easter Sunday" kind of situations.

This is not what we do.

When we dye shoes it's like REEEDICULOUSLY cute because it's more along the lines of peacock blue shoes with your gorgeous ivory gown.  Which is much better than the matching pink shoes and dresses of 1992.

It's a fun and flirty way to add a splash of color to your bridal ensemble and also a great way to incorporate more of your colors into your wedding party.  So if you're having your girls wear black and they each have a different shade of green shoe BAM you've got the colors all tied together.

Exhibit A

In store we sell a huge selection of dyeable shoes for you to choose from.  Once the shoe is chosen Renee will go through the color swatches with you and pick what you're looking for.  Then she works her magic which involves elves and incantations and TA-DA you have beautiful shoes!!

Exhibit B

So you come in, buy your cute shoes and then pick out a color with Renee:

(Magic involving elves and incantations:)

That's how it's done.  I can't tell you the exact science because Renee was sworn to silencio by the gods of shoe dyeing.

So, remember those SUPER cute shoes that Jennifer won and I showed them to you guys? YES THEY ARE DYEABLE.  Imagine them in pink or red...or YELLOW.  Oh Man.

Plus, you can dye JUST the bow giving them that adorable color accent under your dress.  It's almost like having a little when you are wearing really cute undies and you walk around all day feeling extra pretty.  Isn't that how you want to feel on your wedding day!?!?

I also have to show you these because they are some of the cutest things I've seen possibly in my whole life:

That's how it's done.  Magic and imagination.  And no terrible 90's "Full House" dyed-to-match-ness.

Another little note to self is that not all whites are created equal. There's white, diamond white, ivory, pearl, alabaster, candle light, feather, oyster, light ivory, and hurt-your-retinas white.  And while we realize that the rest of the world has white and off-white we would like to share with you that your "white" shoes may not match your "white" dress...but we can dye-to-fix that problem, too.

Lady dudes, we got your back.

Fact: We can dye a satin shoe to black after your event so that you suddenly have a very cute black heel that matches everything!!

Other Fact:  We can't dye shoes from outside sources because we don't know how the fabric will react to our specific dye.  It could be bad.  And then you'll be upset.  Which makes us upset.  It's a terrible cycle.  So we just avoid it!

OH YEAH AND if you are a Platinum Member you get complimentary shoe dying! Just thought you should know :)

1 comment:

  1. I would like to vouch for the AWESOMENESS of this shoe dying process! I, personally, have four pairs of dyed shoes from you ladies and they are FABULOUS! I have a pair of black, a pair of red, a pair of peach, AND a pair of hot pink. Love them all. :)
